Sunday 23 January 2011

Lecture 5: Reality, Virtuality & Hyperreality

Jean Baudrillard and Hyperreality

Haddon Sundblom  Santa Illustrations 1930’s - Depiction of Santa is taken for granted as real - Idea of how coke is advertised makes it taste better as we are blinded by the branding.

Jean Baudrillard-French philosopher - Theorist in semiotics, political economy, postmodernism, popular culture, media theory

Post-Structuralists: Gile Deleuze, Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Helene Cixous, Michel Foucault.

Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeve

Guy Debord: Author of The society of the spectacle 1967
Maxist: Debords idea that ‘Immense accumulation of spectacles

Karl Marx: Palitical/economic theorist – Aeveloped the ‘critique of political economy’ - Argued Capitalist society functions on basis of the ‘labour theory of value’ exchange of commodeties

Ferdinand de Saussure - Pioneer of semiotics - Idea that language functions on theory of value & exchange of signs

Marcel mauss - Anthropologist & ethnographer - Known for for pattens in society
Explored idea: gifts are given in exchange that it is reciprocated in some form

Georges Bataille - Philosopher, novelist, poet - Wrote on braking moral laws, death, general economy

Marshall McLuhan - Media therist - ‘Medium is the message’

Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra & Simulation – Theory: Copies either of the thing they are intended to represent in recent history – copies of other copies

Symbolic Exchange death (1976): 3 Orders -The Counterfeit – Production - Simulation

According to Marx ‘Dialectic of Capitalism is between Labour & Capital (I.e. Money, Commodities)

Baudrillard describes kinds of codes as examples of simulacra ic- DNA Computer code.

Illusion of September 11th - Only know it through media - Reality of war is signs

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